Thursday, June 11, 2015


What is this hash tag? Well I got tired of seeing all these #30under30, or #40under40 clubs that people are a part of. There are plenty of awesome people who are not necessarily part of these communities where they can be nominated and win (assuming it's not just a popularity contest). So here's my idea. I'm going to find 50 people I have met in person that I think are awesome. My ONLY requirement is that I have met them. That is all. I think you guys need to have some recognition. If you're tagged in my #50over20 twitter feeds, (or if you're not on twitter, well that's ok too, we'll mention you somehow). Please send me a short bio and I'll try to talk you up too. (If you don't have my email, it's my twitter unless it's my onaclovtech twitter account, in which case it's tyson @ well you know my domain name.

For those of you reading this thinking. Man I wish I were part of a #50over20 club... YOU CAN BE, just start your own. Tweet things with the hash tag, and just rock it. Recognize people around you that you think are deserving, or well have simply met you that you would like to call out!

Maybe I'll make it on someone's list, but if not, at least I know that there are 50 people I know who deserve to be on someone's list!

I'll be following up with a post of the "winners" :)

Thanks and have fun!