Here's a quick screenshot:
and it looks almost exactly like this on the tv, and if all I was doing was websurfing, this wouldn't be a problem, but since I'm wanting to watch video on GoogleTv, I don't want to see this, I'm hoping google will come out with a youtube app that cleans this interface up.
Things like centering the video, and allowing a translucent slide in from the right with a set of suggestions for additional videos. And finally the comments should slide in from the bottom, just a small bar not distracting.
Interestingly enough. Why is it ok to have an interface like this on a regular computer, but when we get to hand held device, or something small, we want a cleaner and simpler interface, the question is, is this how interfaces should look on computers? I mean google got it right when they designed a really simple and clean interface for searching. Google taught us that screen real estate is valuable and as a company they wanted to make sure it was worth it. When it comes to TV, the same holds true.
On second thought why do websites even have search bars anymore? I mean why not push it back on the browsers to simply allow a search function that searches whatever is on the current domains content. If I can find a way to create apps for GoogleTv I think any media sites should be the first targeted, either that or create a "tv.